The main objective of the UBIT is to impart quality education and conduct research in computer science and information technology. Through structured degree programs, intensive training courses for professionals, academicians, and researchers by organizing workshops and training courses. The main elements of the program focus on human research development in the field of IT.
HSC-Govt College formen
The college offers the in Pre-and Pre-for the Board of Intermediate , Karachi (B.I.E.K)under CAP (Centralized Admission Policy). For undergraduate level, the college offers a combination of from any three of the following subjects (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, logy, Statistics, biology, chemistry, Botany & Zoology)
SSC-Shaheen cambridge school
Shaheen public secondary school were established towards the end of the twentieth century (1998). the School leads as a symbol of educational aspiration for students with a special purpose of providing quality education at an affordable price. At a time, when government allocation and spending was minimal on the education sector, HPGS established itself as one of the leading education providers in the city.